Monday, June 28, 2010

Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism

This documentary by Alex Jones is an absolutely incredible report on the history of government sponsored terror across the globe. It includes shocking facts about "false flag" operations of the past decades, from Nazi Germany to today.

The most intense information centers on the most recent events from the London bombings in 2005 to the events of September 11, 2001. Jones reveals documents and testimonies by former governmental agents in order to educate the public of what our leaders and our media attempt to cover and keep from citizens.

Hearing of the falsified documents and hidden memos was chilling. One especially vivid portion was the revelation that on the dates of the London bombings (in both of the tubes that were bombed) and 9/11 there were mock emergency response missions being run in the exact same locations, which inhibited response teams or intelligence from reacting to it as a real threat. The actual chance that this was a coincidence? 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. A number that exceeds the grains of sand on the earth.

Seeing this documentary makes me weep for the ignorance of the citizens of America. Every day our freedoms are taken away and we are fed with falsified media to portray our government in the best light possible and provide justification for the evils we committ on foreign soil, including killing innocent civilians to gain control of oil and funding "terrorist" attacks at home to create fear as a method of control. The documentary likens what is going on to Orwell's 1984: public mind control and a doublethink ideology.

For more information on Alex Jones' work, check out and

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